Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who says homeschooling is boring? Even on a Saturday...

I cannot tell you how much fun it is to do school on Saturdays.  No, it really is.

No.  I'm not sick.

No.  I'm not a nerd.  I could only wish to be that smart. 

Here in our little po-dunk town, tucked away in the lush forests of southern Thailand, we do home school on the weekends.  Science, Art, crafts, games, songs, scriptures, videos, messy things, loud things, and things that will (hopefully) entertain a rambunctious bunch of 5 kids 5 years old and under.  It can be crazy.  It can be fun.  And, sometimes, the kids learn a thing or two. 

Here's a look into the things we did yesterday:

We've been learning about plants, their seeds, pollination and the sprouting process.  The kids played a game where they pretended they were bees, so they spread the pollen (baby powder) around to the chalk-drawn flowers outside.  So fun!

Then we picked some weeds and labeled the parts of the plant.  Lily, our friend, drew bees by her plant.  Cute!

"Quiet Reading Time" - better known as "You kids better sit down with a book because you're driving us crazy Reading Time"

Elliot and Sammy

We learned about the upcoming Thai holiday - Songkran (click for more info) - which traditionally is a time to honor your elders...but has now turned into more like a humongous, nationally-celebrated water fight! 
We decided to celebrate early by having our own water fight in the front yard.  "P.E." at its finest!

Huy and Lily

Steph, Jeshurun, Jed and our friend, P. Nit

Then, low and behold...this gigantic scorpion decided that he wanted to get drenched, too!  Stephanie's hand in the pic above proves how freaky this guy looked!

The scorpion, up close and personal.  Later, our friend, P. Nit, smashed his stinger and beat him.  When he wasn't a threat anymore, the kids had a blast pelting him with their water guns.  Amazing Thailand!


  1. I want to post the first comment to say, officially, that I must have been in quite a hurry when I titled this post - "Whose says homeschooling is boring..."
    I meant to type "Who"

    This is me. Humbled. I made a grammatical error on a post about homeschooling.

    If you're reading this now, then I have already changed it and covered my tracks...

    Signing out.

  2. A. What are you guys using for science?

    B. I sincerely hope the picture of Steph's hand next to the scorpion was *after* it was beaten?

  3. mideastmom...
    A: A mixture...of course! We've mainly been using the Science K curriculum from Sonlight (yay!) - and the experiments come from the Usborne books that relate. We add some of our own ideas sometimes (ie: the baby powder/pollinating game). Because Steph is doing first grade right now, she's ahead of my K curriculum, so in the coming months, we'll be using her books. I can't recall the names of those. Email her?
    B - Yes. It had been lovingly and thoroughly beaten before that pic. :)


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