Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Two New Beginnings

Neighbor update: In the last 5 days, FOUR new kids have moved just next-door to us.  God is providing new people, new relationships for us where we have lost dear ones.  The little boy, pictured below with Huy and Run, has come to play a few times and is getting along nicely with our kids.  He's five years-old, like Run, and is pretty amiable.  We are so thankful!

Ahn, with Huy and Run enjoying Popsicles after playing outside and washing Daddy's motorbike!
Gardening Update: Day 8 of the herb garden.  Finally, everything I planted has started at least one hopeful sprout!  The two types of Basil (Sweet and Genovese) are doing nicely!  This planting experience is so much more encouraging than my first one, 4 months ago.  Most of my seeds were stolen by birds and chipmunks, and the Thai Basil that has survived is a daily banquet for the grasshoppers.  There is hope on the horizon!

Day 8 of the seedling adventure.  I added two more pots since the first post: more Thyme and Dill for the next time I'm pregnant and crave homemade pickles.  :)

Genovese Basil sprouts on the 8th day.  Can't you just taste the Bruschetta?

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