Although my feelings change daily...His word never does. |
In looking back at the last month, and wanting to milk the accountability of my blog readers...I want to take a look at the goals I made at the beginning of this year and see what has been (or hasn't been) accomplished.
2012 Goals (condensed version) - click here for the whole post.
1(a): increase my exercise routine (walk around the neighborhood more), move from just "girl" push-ups to real ones, rock climb 2x/month.
(b): plan more for the day each morning.
(c): increase my morning routine (mainly time with Jesus) from one hour to two (by the end of Spring).
2. Unplug from the Internet from 8am-after lunch on home school days.
3. Unsubscribe from email lists that clog my inbox.
4. Remember that I can't do it all! did I do? Totally failure? Total victory?
Well...a little bit of both.
1(a) - I did increase my walking routine around the neighborhood...I added one extra time per week - and did it!
And...I can FINALLY do one. real. push-up. It took me a whole month of "girl" push-ups and "hands-elevated" push-ups to finally get to one traditional push-up. As I was writing this post, I did one...and then attempted the 2nd. Guess what? I fell flat on my face. My husband witnessed it and laughed right along with me. And, I did not even hit the rock climbing wall once. Major fail. Maybe this month?
(b) - I started writing only three things on my to-do list each day. Only three. Okay, sometimes I did more. But, for the most part...with advice from Inspired to Action...I kept it down to three so I could stay more focused throughout the day and not feel like a complete failure if I didn't complete my normal 20-point to-do list. Seriously. That's called setting yourself up for failure.
(c) - I am getting there concerning waking up earlier. With a few exceptions, and not counting when I was sick with a bad cold (twice!), I have been waking up a little earlier each week. I am now halfway to my goal (up 1.5 hrs before all the kids). By April, I want to be up a full two hours before the kids are. Hmmm...that might be helped if I learn to also get to bed earlier...
2 - On home school days (4/5 days a week), I have been "unplugged" on an avg. of 3 of those days. Facebook and The Pioneer Woman are strangely addictive. Surely I can give up my craving for the Internet for a measly 5 hours a day. You would think that, wouldn't you? Not yet to my goal of complete separation. Working on it. When I am weak, I have to remember that my kids (and their schooling) are so much better than an social networking/blogging fix.
3 - I unsubscribed myself from EIGHTEEN different email newsletters. Hello to a cleaner inbox! Then, I did an "email sweep" to delete all of their email message cousins. I think I am going to make this goal a regular thing. Because, we all know that a woman living in Thailand probably shouldn't get all the Target weekly deals popping in her inbox to start a snowball of coveting happening in her heart. Whoever that girl is.
4 - Here's where my post gets a little more vulnerable. I tried to start the year with "remembering that I simply can't do it all." That lasted for a few weeks, and then amnesia set in. A few weeks ago, a huge cloud of discouragement wafted over my head and heart, and I felt like a complete failure at life. I said to my husband, who had encouraged me that I was not a failure, "If I am doing so well, why do I feel like I am failing?" Since then, I have had some wonderful conversations with the Holy Spirit, and some tearful worship times and bible studies (click here for the free one I am doing now!). God is encouraging me, uprooting lies, replacing truth, giving me great feedback and direction...and I am super blessed. Also, I have been reading this book, Grace For The Good Girl. I highly recommend it. It is a unique story, but it is for everyone to relate with.
How about your goals? Have you kicked 'em to the curb yet? Stayed strong? Or, somewhere in-between? Feel free to share below. I love honesty.
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