Thursday, September 1, 2011


My new journal

Retail therapy = a great end to a tiresome day.  Normally, lugging kids around the grocery store doesn't sound refreshing.  At all.  But, for the end of busy day...filling my fridge and finally checking off some items on my "to buy" list sound heavenly.  It is somewhat stressful to open the refrigerator to find nothing to make for dinner.  A full fridge equals preparedness and a sigh of relief to me these days.  Thankfully, though, I don't have to trek to the store as often than most mommies because we order Thai takeout food every day.  Every day.  When a plate of rice, veggies and meat is only $1, you would too.  And, they deliver!  Oh my...I am a happy woman. 

But, an empty fridge can only last so long, as can my appetite for Thai food (though some of you who love it would disagree!).  So, last night while Treav took our oldest to a prayer meeting, I took the two younger ones to the grocery store. 

The picture at the top is of my new journal, one item on my "to buy" list.  I am on the last two blank pages of my old journal and was in the market for something new to write in as I spend time with Jesus in the morning.  Here in Thailand, it is very difficult to find a leather-bound beauty to journal in.  Here, the main options are limited to spiral notebooks or day planners.  It is a little frustrating when you're used to Barnes & Noble's "High-So" selections.  But, when you live here for a while, you begin to embrace the simple.  Or, at least, the simpler.  Which, usually translates to...cheaper!  Hallelujah. 

I also am notoriously very sleepy in the wee hours of the morning.  As I perused the selections at my local supermarket store (similar to a Walmart) - I came upon the above journal, smiled, and quickly put it in my cart.  I think the quote on the front is fitting, and will maybe even inspire me to dream more and more as I start my day with the King of Kings. 

What gets you up in the mornings?  Jesus and coffee would be my answer.  What's yours?

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